Top 4 Lessons From My Rotation at Incyte Corporation

For my last pharmacy rotation, I spent 5 weeks working with the Medical Information and Content Development (MICD) team at Incyte Corporation. This was a wonderful experience! Because I had previously completed two internships and one rotation within the pharmaceutical industry, I came into this block ready to hit the ground running. Below are the top 4 lessons I took […]

How to Convert Patients from Neurontin® to Lyrica®

Patient Case Drug Information Question The physician wants to switch BT from gabapentin (Neurontin®) to pregabalin (Lyrica®). She asks the pharmacy team: “What would be an appropriate starting dose of pregabalin for this patient?” Scenario The patient case/scenario above is based on a true experience I had during my acute care rotation at Crozer Health’s Burn Treatment Center (BTC). During […]

What is the evidence to support the use of herbal therapies for diabetes?

Background Diabetes is a complicated but common endocrine disorder with high global prevalence. 415 million individuals worldwide were estimated to have diabetes in 2015. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) accounts for most of the cases.1 Patients may seek to manage their diabetes with both prescribed medications as well as alternative therapies. There are several over the counter (OTC) products that are […]

Does Vitamin C Help Relieve Gout Attacks?

BACKGROUND Patients who suffer from gout may wish to try supplements in hopes of preventing flare ups. In the acute phase of gout, deposition of uric acid crystals in joints and articular tissues leads to inflammation and extreme pain. After many years of gout attacks, nodules called tophi can form over joints leading to limited activity and gouty arthritis.1 The […]

Alternative Medicine – Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone)

Background As of 2020, ubiquinone, or coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), was the 3rd most common nutritional supplement used behind fish oil and multivitamins. CoQ10 is a benzoquinone compound that is fat-soluble and is synthesized in the body from tyrosine. In its reduced form, called ubiquinol, this compound is the only lipophilic antioxidant that can be generated by cells. CoQ10 is mostly […]

Reviewing Evidence for the Rising Popularity of Cannabidiol (CBD)

Introduction Raising a young daughter was more difficult for the Rodriguez family than for most. Instead of arranging playdates and dance lessons, Grace’s parents had to count how many seizures their daughter had in a single day. Nearly 2 years of hospital stays, doctor appointments, and failed medications were taking their toll on the family [1]. Tired of not getting […]

How to Prepare for Midyear: Advice from Current Industry Fellows

During my time at Novartis and Merck, I’ve had the pleasure of networking with many industry professionals. I talked to over 10 current fellows about fellowship applications/Midyear, and this is what they had to say: Preparing Your Application Advice on Updating Your CV Preparing for Your Interviews Prepare Your “Tell me about yourself” (~ 1min) Tips on Getting Through Midyear […]

Cardiovascular Disease: Epidemiology & Stats

Did you know that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death, both in the US and in the world? In this post, the following definitions will be used: CVD: Coronary heart disease (CHD), heart failure (HF), stroke, and hypertension ASCVD: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Comprised of CHD, ischemic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease LDL-C: Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol MI: Myocardial […]

The Current Landscape of Medicinal Cannabis and Pharmacogenomics

There are few topics that can prompt controversial discussion as much as the legalization of marijuana. Nevertheless, the use of cannabis for medical purposes continues to advance. As of 2021, there are 36 states in the United States that have approved comprehensive, publicly available medical cannabis programs. For instance, in 2016 the governor of Pennsylvania signed Senate Bill 3, authorizing individuals with certain […]